Deeksharambh - Acquaint

The purpose of Deeksharambh - Student Induction Programme is to help new students adjust and feel comfortable in the new environment, inculcate in them the ethos and culture of the institution, help them build bonds with other students and faculty members, and expose them to a sense of larger purpose and self exploration.

Our Students Induction programme Deeksharambh: Acquaint, cover a number of different aspects (SAGE): Socializing: meeting other new students, senior students, students union, lectures by Eminent People; Associating: visits to University / college, visits to Dept./Branch/ Programme of study and important places in campus, local area, city and so on; Governing: rules and regulations, student support etc; Experiencing: Subject lectures, study skills, small-group activities, physical activity, creative and performing arts, literary activities, universal human values, etc.