St. Joseph’s College for Women ensures safety, security, and a conducive learning environment to all Josephites. Any grievance, academic and non-academic, on the part of the stakeholders isresolved without bias and with utmost fairness. Any behaviour or action that may lead to the violation of the freedom or dignity of another, shall be dealt with strict disciplinary actions by the institution. The Grievance and Redressal Cell strives to maintain and promote an encouraging and unprejudiced environment for holistic development, by attending to the grievances and complaints registered by any of the stakeholders of the Institution, particularly, the students. The Cell ensures effective solution to the grievances, using a fair approach. The Grievance and Redressal Cell enables the students to express their grievances by initiating and following the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations
of the College and the norms prescribed by the UGC. An aggrieved student may appear eitherin person or be represented by someone authorized to present her case. The grievance must preferably be given in writing with the identity of the aggrieved mentioned. Anonymous grievances are discouraged.Grievances can be handed over to the Cell via the department or directly, or it can be dropped in the Suggestions/Complaint box kept in relevant places. Online submission of grievances through the website and email is also possible. In addition to these, to address infrastructure related grievances, a register in kept in the college office; the matter may be entered in it. The Cell meets periodically, examines the nature and pattern of the grievances and redresses them accordingly. The Cell shall ensure the disposal of every application as early as possible and not later than a month after the receipt of the grievance.
1. To develop an organizational framework (DGR – Department Level Grievance Redressal and CGR- College Level Grievance Redressal) to resolve grievances of the students and other stakeholders.
2. To ensure effective solution to the stakeholders' grievances with an impartial and fair approach
3. To investigate the reason of dissatisfaction.
4. To enlighten the students on their duties and responsibilities.
Functions of the Grievance and Redressal Cell
1. Provides information about the Cell's objectives and mode of operation through the website and handbook.
2. Informs students the procedure for registering grievances through the Hand-book, meetings and induction programmes.
3. Acknowledges and analyses the grievances.
4. Seeks solution through decision-making process
5. Reports the grievances and records how they were redressed.
1. The Grievance Redressal Cell shall receive and redress grievances on the following issues:
▪ Academic issues pertaining to teaching, learning and evaluation activities, and attendance.
▪ Interpersonal grievances (Student vs teaching/non-teaching faculty, student vs student grievances, other stakeholders)
▪ Grievances related to library and IT services.
▪ Grievances related to sports, cultural activities
▪ Grievances related to infrastructure.
2. The grievances shall be redressed and resolved depending on the nature of the grievance.
3. Matters that can be resolved at the department level are resolved there itself.
4. As soon as a grievance is registered the Redressal Committee shall review the complaint and invite both the parties for discussion, if required.
5. At Department Level and College Level systematic recording of grievances, minutes of the evaluatory meeting, ATR should be filed.
6. Departments will give a report on the year’s redressal activities to the College Level Grievance Redressal Cell towards the end of each academic year.
7. Grievances should be redressed, resolved and closed within one month of receiving the complaint.
8. The grievances are redressed at the earliest by issuing warning letter, memo, reformation remedies, and repair activities.
9. Priority is given according to the urgency of the complaint.
10. In all cases the aggrieved is informed of the measures taken.
11. Checks in the system are introduced to ensure there is no repetition of the same complaint.
12. All the grievances concerning to sexual harassment and ragging shall be dealt with by the respective committees as per the prescribed procedures.
Committee Members for the academic year 2024-25:
Chairman: Dr. Usha A.A. (Principal)
Ms. Anjali George
Teaching Faculty:
Dr. Rejimol Jose
Ms. Divya Mary Varghese
Non-teaching Faculty:
Smt Reeni Joseph
Smt Celin K S
Submit your Grievance here.