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College Library and IQAC jointly organises FDP on Indian Research Information Network System (IRINS) and Academic Publishing on 25th January 2023 at 1.30 pm in the Conference Hall.
Resource Person: Jobin Jose, Librarian, Marian College, Kuttikkanam
College Library in collaboration with R tree Foundation (a non-profitable organization) organized a Webinar on the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health on 2nd January 2023 at 7.30 pm. The Webinar was inaugurated by MANUKUMAR ALIYADD - A teacher, Trainer, and Writer. NSS and NCC students of the institution attended the webinar.
College Library and the Department of Languages jointly observed International Mother Language Day 2023 in collaboration with Mathrubhumi Daily on 21st February 2023. Various talks and programs were organized during the week.
College Library observed Reading Day 2023 in collaboration with PageWorlds Reader's Club
PG Department of Physics and Library in association with Research & Development Cell organized an 'Awareness session on Identifying and Avoiding Plagiarism' for PG students on 15th July 2023.
User Orientation is given to first UG and PG students.229 students attended the orientation programme.
Pageworlds Reader's Club of the college organized Bibliophile to motivate young generation to read.
College library and Research & Development Cell jointly organized Orientation on N-LIST and other electronic resources and databases.
CONOSCENZA 2022 - 23, the Knowledge Sharing Forum of St. Joseph's College for Women organised a talk on N-list: Access to E-Reources on 16th August 2022 at 3.50 pm in the Conference Hall for the faculty members of the institution.
As part of National Science Day celebrations, College library and PG Department of Physics organised a talk on 'Writing with integrity: how not to plagiarise' for the PG students of the institution on 23rd February 2022. Sri. Jasimudeen, Librarian, St. Stephens College, Uzhavoor served as the reource person.
As part of National Science Day celebrations, College library and PG Department of Physics organised a talk on 'Introduction to Technical Report Writing' for the PG students of the institution on 26th February 2022. Sri. Arun Kishore, Librarian, SD College, Alappuzha served as the reource person.
College library organised exhibition of books written by female authors and a quiz competition.
Reader's Club organised various programmes to celebrate reading week thereby motivate more students to practice reading.
Reader's Club conducted a Calligraphy Competition
Department of Library Science, Little Flower Degree College (UG & PG COURSES) Uppal, Hyderabad and Central Library, St.Joseph's College For Women Alappuzha, Kerala jointly organises an Online National Workshop on 'Search Strategies' for the students and faculty members.
Guest Speaker - Mr. Ramesh Parichi, Senior Technical Officer, Osmania University, Hyderabad
Date: 21/10/2022
Time: 11.00 am to 12.30 pm
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