College Resources

Our College Laboratories play a significant role in building an enabling atmosphere to equip students to understand and explore the concepts practically. The science students get an opportunity to conduct practical experiments under the guidance of well qualified faculty members. It is in these laboratories that the students acquire a sound theoretical and practical knowledge which will equip them to identify, formulate and solve real-world technical problems.

All Laboratories have been designed to acquaint the students with practical knowledge of the basic phenomenon/concepts related to their area of study and to develop experimental skills for building technical competence. Also, students will be able to develop their thinking capabilities and problem-solving abilities which will mould them into sensible, rational and responsible citizens.

Science departments of the college have well-equipped and modern technology labs for Post-graduation and Degree courses. Science laboratories have sophisticated instruments which cater to the requirements of both faculty members and students.

The Department of Zoology maintains three laboratories which include Zoology lab, Physiology lab and B. Sc. Lab. Zoology lab is utilized for conducting Cytology and Animal Diversity I & II practical experiments. Ecology and Physiology in the Physiology lab. Animal Diversity I & II practical for the first year subsidiary students are conducted in the B. Sc. Lab. Laboratories are also used to carry out experiments in relation to project and field study. Instruments used for practical work, projects and research are maintained in the Zoology and Physiology lab. Newly added instruments include flame photometer, microcentrifuge, water bath, double distillation unit, colorimeter, binocular stereo microscope, advanced oil immersion microscope, trinocular polarizing microscope and 20 student microscopes.

The Department of Botany has two practical labs. There is a well-functioning Biotechnology Research Lab. The research lab is provided with instruments like laminar air flow, centrifuge, spectrophotometer, autoclave, incubators, shaker, double distillation unit etc. The facility is utilized by the staff and students for the various project works. The Department maintains a museum with a collection of over 250 specimens and also has nearly 200 specimens in their herbarium.

The Department of Chemistry has a well-equipped and spacious chemistry laboratory which provide the latest facilities to students for qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. The students learn and grasp much more through pragmatic experiments and it empowers the students to have better comprehension which in turn increase their sense of inquisitiveness.

The Postgraduate Department of Physics has laboratories for UG and PG Courses separately and maintains a computer lab which helps to improve student's programming skills. The synthesis part of M.Sc. projects are undertaken in the research lab which has facilities like furnace, oven and magnetic stirrers.

The Postgraduate Department of Home Science has two state-of-the-art laboratories i.e. Nutrition and Biochemistry lab and Textile Science lab which caters to the academic research needs of the students. The latest models of instruments and high-end equipment are readily made available using the financial assistance under FIST.

The Postgraduate Department of English maintains a Language lab with 31 computers to develop communication skills in students. In today’s global scenario where communication skills determine upward mobility in professional life there is a strong need to improve communication skills. The Celine Francis Memorial Language Lab is equipped with communication software called English Cloud aiming to improve the proficiency of students in communication skills.

Laboratories in College are therefore at the centre of the process of knowledge creation in the institution. It builds an ecosystem centered on students and here faculties provide a mentor role. The Laboratories in the institution understand the need for the students to adapt to the challenges of ever-changing technological world and the Institution ensures continuous updating of lab facilities to pursue the expanding contours of respective disciplines.