On 10th January 2024 a cheque was handed over to the Manager as part of chair sonsorship campaign by JAASA Secretary Sangeetha Ria Varghese and Treasurer Sajidha Nizam.
A grand alumnae meet was organised on the occasion of Onam where alumnae came together to reconnect and retrace their steps.
JAASA General Body Meeting was held on 27th March to discuss about the registration of Alumnae Association, to present the bylaw of the association and elect the new executive members for the year 2023-2024.
Registration Certificate
The alumnae members of History department gave farewell felicitation to Principal, Dr.Rita Latha D’couto. They presented a memento to the Principal as a token of their love.
Dr. Vidya, Assistant Professor, Sree Narayana College, Cherthala, an alumna visited the department and had an experience sharing session with the students on ‘Teaching in Higher Education’.
Ms. Reshmi A.N (2015-18 UG Batch) of department of Chemistry served as resource person for the Alumni Sharing session. She is a research scholar at IIT Palakad and shared her research experience at IIT Palakad.
To renovate the new auditorium in the Research Block an appeal was send to alumnae members to sponsor a chair to the new auditorium.
Chair Sponsorship Campaign was inaugurated by the contribution of Rs. 5000/- by History Alumnae Association on 13th November 2023.
The PG Department of Home Science organized an experience sharing on professional ethics as part of alumnae series. Ms. Aneeta shared her sweet memories in college and how helpful and supportive the department and teachers was throughout her journey in conquering her dreams. She focused on professional skills, ethics and routine of a dietitian in hospital. Light was thrown on different therapeutic diets especially ketogenic diets. The job essentials of a dietitian was also made clear.
A virtual alumnae meeting of physics department saw a get together where the alumnae and the retired faculty members shared their cherished memories and their joy of meeting each other online.
As part of Acquaint 2022- Deeksharambh, an alumna interaction session was organized for the students of the department of Mathematics, specifically for first years . The resource person Athira Vinay addressed the audience and shared her experience as a student of the institution and enlightened them on how to prepare for competitive examinations.
The talk was conducted for pass out batch students.The resource persons discussed in detail about various competitive examinations, the various methods to prepare for it, different job opportunities after securing a PG etc. The Scholarships and top universities for pursuing research activities were also discussed.
The programme was sponsored by the History Alumnae Association by instituting cash awards for the winners.
The annual meeting of Alumnae of History Department was conducted on the second Saturday of November. The formal session was graced by Dr.Suleena V.S.,Principal in Charge, Sandya A.K., HOD, and retired faculty members.
The alumnae members of History department celebrated the 80th Birthday of Sr. Annette Thottakkara by bestowing their love by felicitating her.
RECONNECT alumnae experience sharing was organized online where alumna, Ms Merin Anna Antony of 2017-2019 batch MSc Nutrition & Dietetics shared her experience of education at University of Bedfordshire, UK. She shared her challenges in reaching UK, the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad, the ways of approaching agency, the tests to be cleared, the opportunities at UK, the employment options, study options, project, assignment submission, plagiarism check, exam pattern the learning process and evaluation systems, mentor mentee relationship, and schedule at university.
Mrs. Annie Thomas, High court Assistant, High court of Kerala who is also an alumna of department of Zoology discussed with the students about the various institutes for higher studies that provide good job opportunities to students, and also scholarships.
The PG Department of Physics in collaboration with the College Union organized an invited talk by our Alumna Ms.Bindu Manoj.
As part of Deeksharamb 2022, Post Graduate Department of Chemistry organized an Alumnae Sharing programme for 1st year UG students wherein the resource persons shared their experiences during their research career with the students.
The PG Department of English conducted an alumna sharing session. Ms Arya Jose, Assistant Professor of the same department, who is an alumna of the college, was the resource person. The talk was delivered to the first-year students of the department inorder to induct them into the institution as well as the department. Ms. Arya spoke on her experience at the institution, the qualities that she acquired by being part of it and also about setting goals to become successful in life.
The Mathematics Department in association with our Alumnae Association organized workshops for competitive exams like GATE/ CAT exclusively for final year students from the linear algebra where our alumnae served as resource persons. The programmes were organized via Google Meet/Offline. Tinu John took sessions on Linear Algebra. Athulya B Udayan took sessions on Abstract Algebra- group theory. Both of them discussed questions that are asked for NET/ JAM/ Gate. Both the alumnae also interacted with the students and motivated them to prepare for competitive examinations. Study materials were also provided.
The department of Zoology conducted a webinar on 25th February 2021 based on the topic "Fishes in research" as a part of lecture series "Animals in research". The resource person was alumnae of the department, Ms. Elizabeth Tomy, Ph. D. Scholar, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin. Ms Elizabeth detailed on the species of fish that are frequently used in research. The skills and scopes of an Ichthyologist was also discussed.
Gopikadevi M, an alumnae of the department of Zoology gave a talk on scopes in Zoology as well as on how to prepare and apply for PSC examinations. The various UPSC examinations in which Zoology graduates can apply was also discussed.
Ms Shifana Koya, alumnae of department of Physics who secured Marie Curie ITN PhD fellowship delivered a motivational session on higher education facilities in the world after graduation.
The second grand meet of the Alumnae Association of St. Joseph’s College for Women, JAASA was conducted on 25th January 2020. Smt. Mini Antony IAS, Govt. Secretary, Department of Co-Operation, alumna was the Chief Guest. Smt. Swapna Augustine, an alumna and a distinguished member of the Foot and Mouth Painters was honored during the function. Smt. Deepa Nair, a social activist whose commendable concern and service during the 2018 and 2019 floods have gained many laurels for her was presented the JAASA 2020 Achievement award. Financial assistance for a deserving person who is also an alumna of the college was handed over to Principal Dr. Sheena George during the meet.
International Women’s Day was observed on 6th of March, WSU organized a public meeting for all colleges. Smt. Deepa Nair Venugopal, HR Consultant and Alumnae and JAASA Achievement Award winner (Director Jeevanam Project in Kuttanad) inaugurated the function. College Principal Dr. Sheena George presided over the function.
Bridge course for first year B.Sc. Chemistry core and complementary students in which resource persons were alumnae (2017-2020 B.Sc. Chemistry batch students). Kavya Teresa, Sai Krishna, Keerthi Mohan, Sandra K B, Aiswarya Chandrababu, Elsa P Magdelin, Chetana Sara Chacko, Bharathi Krishnababu and Mary Joicy handled the classes.
In Collaboration with Student Support Centre and Teaching Learning Centre, Department of English arranged an Alumnae Interaction session. It was conducted as an orientation and motivational session for the new batch. Google Meet was used for the conduct of the Programme.
Annual alumnae meet was conducted through google meet on 14/11/2020. Principal, Dr.Rita Latha Couto inaugurated the meeting. Retired faculties from the department of History and ex-students from different part of the world attended the meeting. Alumnae association collected and donated fund to a poor ex-student.
Alumnae of Department of Home Science served as resource persons for lifestlye, diet, nutrition, food safety related talks.
Alumnae engaged on the topic "Professional Ethics & Human Values" with a focus on professional skills and life skills.
Home isolation, social distancing and online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic caused increased use of digital devices, posing a greater risk of developing digital eye-strain related symptoms. The mandatory e-learning has emerged as a method for current teaching and without any specific guidelines students spend most of the time attending e- classes in front of a computer or mobile screens. These devices cause a variety of eye problems. The objective of this talk was to educate students about limiting screen time and managing digital eye strain. The talk focussed on tips to avoid computer eye strain.
Alumnae of the Physics department, Ms. Aswathy Sivasankarapillai, final year MSc. Space Science and Technology student, University of Bremen, Germany interacted with the students on the topic "Opportunities Across the Globe".
An enlightening piece of talk having instructions on optimal characteristics of oral and paper presentation for young scientists was organised by the department of Zoology. The session detailed on the structured critical stages of the whole process, mainly introduction, body and conclusion, and the need of persuasive video. It emphasized not only on the effective structuring of the content, but also the potential verbal and nonverbal presentation techniques as well.